
Amesbury youth club

Amesbury Youth Club is for Young People in academic years 6,7 and 8.


The Youth Club meets in the community room and will usually have access to the main hall for a variety of activities such as Tumble Track, Dodgeball, Indoor Hockey, Circus Skills, Aerial Activities, Pool and Table Tennis and a lot more.   
The Youth Club offers direct access to other Buzz Action Day Trips, Camps and Excursion throughout the year.


For those in academic years 7,8 and 9

Date and Time

Day: Every Tuesday
Time: 6pm - 8pm


Nomansland Recreation Ground, School Road, Nomansland, SP5 2BY


It cost just £1 to attend and has a good value tuck shop.

Behaviour Expectations

This is not a children's club.   The arrangements for arriving and going home are between you and your child.  If you do not feel you can trust your child to remain or adhere to your instructions, they may not be ready to attend youth club.